About me

Hello all!

My name is Elena, but all my close friends call me Leni. If you wonder why I started to blog, it just happened one February evening. I never made any previous research about blogging, nor I want to profit from this blog. It is purely personal, a way to share the everyday things that inspire me and to have a sort of online diary.

Some trivia for the curios ones:

I speak three foreign languages fluently and I am learning a 4th now.
I graduated my architectural studies with excellence in early 2012. This should explain the long hiatus I took from blogging. Currently I occupy myself working for a small company in multi-cultural environment and I really like it!
I am easily distracted, but well-organized.
I prefer dogs. Sadly I am allergic to cats.
I have a fear of heights.
I love overripe fruits. Especially forest fruits like berries.
I met some of my closest friends through this blog.
I love old photographs and vintage books. I also collect small bits of colored paper.
The blog's name is purple, because this is my favorite color. I love all type of purple-ish goodies, dark aubergine, indigo, royal purple, dark violet and smokey lilac. Besides this is the color that describes me best.
For some years in high-school I had purple hair with white stripes. Something like a indigo colored zebra. I was quite famous about my hair-do's and dont's.
I want to live in big house in the mountain with at least 4 kids, a horse and huge garden with old trees.

Thank you for visiting me and taking the time to comment, read and share. I deeply appreciate this. You make me blush! :")


  1. И наградата за Liebster Blogger Award идва при - Теб! :)
    Ще очаквам поста ти в обновения блог :)

    1. Yay! Let's hope that I will be ready until the end of December! Thank you so much!


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