Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday or Day 48: Some Interesting Architecture. What do you think?

Today was a long and tiring day. The kind of tiring big beginning of the working week. The good news is I have a contract for a new flat and I will be moving at 1 of November there. Finally... It was too intense to wait for these news and at last I can get some normal sleep. Yay!

I am thinking to do something new to the blog and this is to post about Architecture. What do you think? Will you find it interesting to read? Some facts and stuff about my profession? There is a saying that to be an architect you must be dedicated, a little crazy and to love the nights, cause you won't get much sleep anyway. It is a difficult but joyful profession with some serious cons. 

I will start with some history and then go into some architectural details, interesting persona, some really nice projects and share a bit of my knowledge with you!

photo: here!


  1. Great Idea, Leni! ^^ You thought I won't LOVE it?! :-D
    You seem to be a great inspiration... but more about that in my letter (again)! :-Pp
    I might just steal the idea... so we could share the beauty of our profession despite the distance!
    Lots of love! :-*

  2. And one more thing! ;-)
    The cathedral is pure delight! ^^

  3. :")

    So we will preach our believe in the total beauty of the space!

    We will manage it, I am sure!

  4. Звучи интересно - а за редовните читатели може да има сертификат "любител архитект"... какво ще кажеш :Р

    Шегата настрана, това беше първата професия, която сериозно ме заинтригува ;)

  5. Ще измислим нещо като диплом! Или поне малкa награда за усилието, което полагате :")

    Инак чакам предложения за теми, които са интересни... май ще започна с кратък исторически преглед обхващащ основната част от нещата. Инак ще е твърде обширно. :")


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