Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday: A walk in the park and a cat

A walk in the last warm and sunny days. An isolated bench on a hill. Autumn leafs and still green grass. A big hot cup of tea with apple, cinnamon and raisins. And a really cute cat. :") 

A friend of mine passed away a couple of days ago. Although she was far away of being a close person to me, I am still sad because of her premature death. When something like this happens you realize that life is really short, beautiful and ironic. Apart of that I feel too confined at home and so it happens that I just can't work over my diploma project which theme is funeral hall. Too many grim thoughts. So I decided to pass all my free time away, at the sun. Happy and fuzzy, and warm with friends. Having a good company is something important, don't you think?

Sunny days, and "benching". What a way to pass your afternoon. We made some tries at flare photography. It was my first time at this so if you can share some advices with me, I am open for it! 

Photos: me and Sto


  1. Ahhh, where do I begin! ^^
    These are some really cool earrings, and you know, I'm a sucker for earrings of all kinds (that's why I'm famous with the models I own)! :-D
    Next, I gotta admit the lens flare effect worked for you - these pictures are simply great! Especially yours! ^^ :-* You amaze me with your beauty every single time I see you... Sometimes I wish I was a man, hahaha, then you would have been the love of my life! :-D Well, enough dreaming already, I'm glad I'm not a man - I like myself just the way I am! ;-)
    Oh, I forgot to appreciate the tonality of the photos... and, of course, the bokeh, which is simply gorgeous!
    One more thing - you have some great deal of curly-haired friends boys, I gotta say! :-D Is it a tendency or something with you? :-P

  2. Oh, and you should see the version of your flared photo up there that I've edited a little - it turned out great! ^^ ;-)

  3. @1: Oh, thank you, my darling! Yes, it worked! Glad that you like them. For a first try they came pretty well. I admit that I worked a little bit over the colours, but you know I hate too overworked photos.
    About my curly friends: I love curly people! :") So I have a big deal of curly friends...

    @2: I waaaant to see!!!

  4. Hahaha, I love curly people, too! ;-) And I didn't forget about our reservation. :-P
    Nahh, the colours are great - one fo the things I love about you and these pictures in particular! ;-)
    I sent you the photo in fb, but if you like, I can send it to you also via skype.

  5. Ама ти май ми се измъкваш нещо! :-D

  6. О, добре, добре, крий се, добре! (smirk)

  7. beautiful photos, love the light :)

  8. Your blog is interesting, has left a great impression.
    Best wishes

  9. very nice photos, страхотна слънчева есен, до скоро

  10. прекрасни сними, благодаря че постирате и споделяте тук с всички нас, продължавайте така

  11. Когато някой си отиде, независимо близък или ни, това те кара да се замислиш за живота, да оцениш малките хубави неща :) Снимките са станали много непринудени. А тези есенни цветове дават едно топло излъчване. Това е моето усещане на пръв поглед:)

  12. Страхотна публикация. Продължавай в същия дух!

  13. Много слънце има в снимките, страхотни са!

  14. Много красиви снимки, поздравления. Станали са с идеална светлина.Котката е като някакво египетско божество само как гледа!?Мъжът не може да се оплаче , че страда от плешивост хахах има хубави и буйни къдрици!Снимките с тази есен показват една топлина.Самотната пейка, която е в очакване някои да я завземе. Публикацията е много добра, продължавай в същият дух.

  15. Наистина и тъжно, това, че си загубил близък приятел, случило сее най-лошото, но това са неща, които не зависят от нас и колкото и да искаме да ги променим няма как да стане.Просто продължава, те така биха искали да постъпим.Снимките са много красиви с тъжни очи, дори очите на котето като чели гледат с тъга. Желая много успехи и само хубави неща да се случват вече.


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