Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bloglovin and my empty list

As from today...

I was wondering for very long time if to subscribe for this type of service, but after Google Reader died on 15th this month and I was left with no feed, the decision came by itself. So here it is: click! Love!
The sad part was that while I was checking my list of favourite blogs to add them there, I found quite dead ones. Left, unused, empty. I can't bring myself to let them go and un-follow them at the moment, because I still want to check them from time to time. The blogosphere is full with cooking, recipes and nice dreamy american housewives who write about d.i.y and design, fashion and... less and less nicely written and funny, ultimately personal, rugged places to visit.

Now, my dear cooking ladies, don't get offended. :") I follow some lovely places like Bubolinkata and Dimi's blog and others, I read them often, I find inspiration in them, they even make me try some of the dishes myself. But this is mainly because they are made with personal touch and differ from the rest.

Surely, like everything in this world, the blog, this type of self-expressionism evolves in something new. Which is nice, I suppose.
Surely, my own hiatus was something that was impeding me to write. I have changed a lot. My interests changed as well. My work and my newly found activities also leave too little time to blog as much as I want. So does the everyday life and all the responsibilities of a grown-up. At least of a person who tries hard to act as a grown-up.
Some questions that come to my mind while I write this post:

Does that mean that I lost some of my readers? Yes.
Did I find some new friends? Yes.
Is keeping this blog alive worth it? Totally.
Do I know what I want to say to the people that visit this place? This one is simple. Create, explore and smile.


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